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First Day Family Orientation for MWF and 5 Day Classes

September 5 (Wed) “First Day Family Orientation” for all MWF Classes: MW Little Learners, F Little Learners, 5 day Preschool Plus, ALL KinderStart (2, 3, and 5 day KinderStart) sessions, and Kindergarten. (9-10am for AM Classes & 12-1 for PM Classes) For about 20-30 minutes, parents will be in the homeroom with their child.  Then, I will call all of the families to the Sanctuary for a brief parent meeting to go over some policies and procedures, and answer questions.  Students will stay in their classroom with the teacher. We will dismiss at 10am/1pm. This is an introduction to your child about preschool without their parent, and leaves them excited to return for their next school day to do all the things we don't have time to do on the Orientation Day. If your child will be absent, please let me know.  All completed paperwork needed for your child's file should be dropped off on or before this day.  Feel free to bring supplies with you as well.